About Me…
My most heartfelt welcome to
you for your visit …it is very much appreciated!
My name is Colleen Rogers, and
I am so grateful that you have taken a few moments out of your hectic schedule to
read some of the commentaries and stories herein.

If you are an educator, please join me in reflection by posting your viewpoints after each article.
The “Events in
the News” section is personal commentary on issues regarding race relations,
policy making, etc.—current events about which I have a visceral reaction
and/or a need to vent. Feel free to
read and comment.
The “Daily Life” section is story-telling based on observations noted in daily life, in the meandering way
in which we all take note of something we find randomly interesting.
The final blog section on “Aging
and Retirement” addresses the curiosities and complexities of aging as a Baby
Boomer in a world of Millennials.
Thank you, once again, for
taking time for thoughtful review…
--Colleen Rogers
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