Teacher Tales:
A Compilation of Email Logs From
A Public High School Teacher, Volume 1
A Primer For the Secretary of Education's
Review and Consideration
and Ice Cream Sandwiches”
June 2,
2015 11:32 AM

Some serious
scholarship on deck today…
Entry #2
Drill Ditch”
16, 2015 2:42 PM
Had a student ditch my
class today. How did I know she ditched second period, you ask? I happened to see her crouching in the hall
during the third period tornado drill. Trying to play me? …nope, not today…
…BTW, so glad hon that things
sound good and are benign…maybe this weekend we can kind of get back to normal…
Entry #3
Scare and Sub Plans”
29, 2015 7:00 PM
To My Principal and
Assistant Principal:
I am scheduled for
additional medical testing Monday, March 30.
The course of treatment will be determined by their findings. I have remained in the hospital all weekend,
and will be here tomorrow as well. I
should have more specific release information following doctor review.
I have forwarded
lesson plans to Ms. W. for Monday, March 30.
Entry #4
“If The
Sub Doesn’t Show Up”
19, 2015 7:50 AM
Mr. D. had a meeting
today during first period…he tells the kids, “if the sub doesn’t show up, just
do the assignment on the board…”
What he adds when
talking to the other teachers at the meeting…”I told the kids if the sub
doesn’t show up, just do the assignment on the board
…while you eat breakfast and smack each other around.”
Entry #5
“Can You
Leave Early?”
21, 2015 11:04 AM
How much earlier? Students leave at 2:25, and I have a last
period class for which I would need a sub…NO
Entry #6
2, 2014 7:32 AM
Looks like more
picketing next week…
“Our next date for
informational picketing will be in the morning on Friday, December 12th. We will set up at 6:30 a.m. with official
picketing time being from 6:45-7:15 a.m. ”
Entry #7
“We got
each other’s backs”
21, 2014 12:11 PM
Me: “If you need anything (xeroxing for your
classes, babysitting, home cooked meals, etc.), I would be more than
happy to come to assist.”
21 2014 12:20 PM
Them: “Thanks so much…You all are my family. I love everyone there, and I don’t think I would
have survived there all these years without your support and friendship.”
Entry #8
Can’t Eat That Sh*&#t”
17, 2014 2:32 PM
Student J. is telling
this story last period…he has three uncles, all released from prison last
summer. So, his family decided at the
end of the summer to throw the newly released relatives a barbecue in honor of
their return to the family fold. Little
did the family know that each of the men, while imprisoned, chose to become
Muslim. The men arrive at the barbecue
and are proudly served the most luscious ribs ever. Yet, they say to everyone’s chagrin…
“Ribs? Aww, hell no…we’re Muslim…we can’t eat that
Entry #9
Your Check”
23, 2014 10:36 PM
Correspondence from
the District Office:
“There have been some
questions about payroll checks. Please
use the following website, so that you can learn your employee number. You can also review all your past payroll
checks too. You can set up an account
easily. If you forgot your information
to sign in, then you can also set up an account.”
Entry #11
Flash Mob”
18, 2014 2:35 PM
Hi Hon,
I suck at the Homecoming
flash mob practice…Mr. K. thought we were doing Tai Chi in Ms. S.’s classroom.
I did, though, send an email to the Assistant Principal today to have Jarrell removed from my classroom.
I did, though, send an email to the Assistant Principal today to have Jarrell removed from my classroom.
Entry #12
“Tech No”
11, 2014 10:49 AM
I haven’t had a
working classroom computer this a.m., so I was not able to check or send
Entry #13
"The Thrill of the Drill"
September 4, 2014 1:07 PM
Heard in our classroom the sound of drilling. Decided I'd better go investigate the source of the noise. Stepped out into the hall, and saw that the Student Activities Center across from us was an Operational Dentist's Office, complete with a School Mascot. No worries, but it would have been good to know in advance. Freaked out some of the more phobic students.
One for the books, for sure. Of course, I took pictures.
Entry #13
"The Thrill of the Drill"
September 4, 2014 1:07 PM
Heard in our classroom the sound of drilling. Decided I'd better go investigate the source of the noise. Stepped out into the hall, and saw that the Student Activities Center across from us was an Operational Dentist's Office, complete with a School Mascot. No worries, but it would have been good to know in advance. Freaked out some of the more phobic students.
One for the books, for sure. Of course, I took pictures.
Journal Image From:
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