On: Teacher Tales--Email Logs, Volume 3

Teacher Tales:
A Compilation of Email Logs From
The Records of A Public High School Teacher, Volume 3

A Primer For the Secretary of Education's 
Review and Consideration

Entry #22…

"Ducks Amuck"

April 21, 2014 9:45 AM 

Memo from an Administrator

Subject:  Courtyard Ducks

"...The ducks are back and have a nest with 13 eggs located directly under the gazebo.  I know some of you use this area for instructional purposes, but please refrain from using this area until they (the ducks) have hatched and moved on." 

Entry #23 

"Flint, Michigan"

April 7, 2014 1:25 PM

Memo from the Wellness Committee Chair

Subject:  Water in the Faculty Lounge

"  The water dispenser in the Faculty Lounge is dirty.  The filter has not been changed in over a decade.  We are currently investigating the situation...sorry for the inconvenience."

Entry #24 

"Hot Seat"

February 5, 2014 12:13 PM

News Article:

(Special Election for Vacant District School Board Seat)

"Perhaps you could come up with an understanding about holding an election, a way in which people interested in the position could present their credentials,"  ****** told the gathering of a half-dozen attorneys--each representing different factions in the fight over control of the School Board. 

Entry #25

"Dead Mouse"

June 2, 2014   7:35 AM (Still traumatized, out-of-sequence log due to PTSD) 

"Hi, Hon--

Just got here--dead mouse right outside my classroom near that locker, you know, the one where the weave is trailing out.  The mouse probably came from you-know-whose classroom hoard.  The Assistant Principal removed it...best Assistant Principal EVER!  After the mouse incident, one of the other teachers asked me, because of the way I'm dressed today, if I was working at a Clinique counter later.  What an a$$ sombrero!"

Entry #26

"Theft Prevention"

June 3, 2013 11:10 AM

From Our Union Representative

"Please make sure you lock up anything you wouldn't want to see go missing.  Take home all personal property if at all feasible.  This year I will head my own advice, as last year I lost all my posters, wall coverings, etc." 

Entry #27

"Precautionary Drill"

May 27, 2014 7:35 AM

"Hey, Hon...

Looks like my ninth period class and I have to hide in a corner today as a precautionary drill."
"Reactionary Quill"

May 26, 2014 9:02 PM

From An Administrator..

"There was a shooting in ***** this morning at approximately 11:00.  It did not involve any of our students,, but the victims that incurred non-life- threatening injuries were related to two of our students..."

Entry #28

"Girl, Interrupted"

May 23, 2014 8:05 AM

"Hi, Hon, 

Guess who is suspended until May 27?  :) "

Entry #29

"Jamaican Flower"

May 21, 2014 11:42 AM

"Hi, Hon,

One of the Seniors decided to commemorate her graduation with a new tattoo...she got called into the Dean's Office today because her tattoo of choice, a "Jamaican Flower" was, in actuality, a  marijuana plant.  

According to her, she was misled by the tattoo artist, and will be demanding her money back.

Whoopsies!  Reason #98 why you need to stay sober on Prom Weekend."

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