On: Teacher Tales--Email Logs, Volume 2

Teacher Tales:
A Compilation of Email Logs From
A Public High School Teacher, Volume 2

A Primer For the Secretary of Education's 
Review and Consideration

Entry #14…

“Incident at Dismissal”

April 25, 2014 8:10 AM 

From one of our building administrators:


Today at dismissal from our testing day an incident occurred south of  ***th and ******** Avenue.  There were reports of multiple gunshots fired.  Since this was during dismissal, there were many students outside of the building.  Security and staff that were outside quickly began a reverse evacuation of the building, and got the students back into the building as quickly and orderly as possible.  Once the area was secured by the ****** and ******* police, we loaded the buses and released them for their normal routes.  After the buses were cleared, we released the walkers.  At this time, we do not have any more information regarding the incident.  

Tomorrow we are asking staff to be diligent in their monitoring of the hallways, as well as the rest of the building.  We will be on a no pass policy except for call slips.  We do have a few teachers scheduled to participate in a function with their classes 3rd period, but that should be the only deviation from the policy.  We will also be conducting a search tomorrow morning before first and second periods.  We will try to complete these searches as quickly as possible  so that they do not impact your lessons.  As always, if you hear anything that you believe may be valuable information, please forward it to myself or the deans.

Thank you…”

Entry #15

“Stolen Phone Recon”

February 25, 2014 1:23 PM

"Hi, Hon,

My student R. told a funny story in class today.  His best friend, M., had his phone stolen.  So, rather than go to the police, the boys decide to take matters into their own hands and trace the phone.  Their detective work leads them to a specific house…did they call the police at this point to report the stolen phone’s location??? Of course not. 

M. goes up to the door and knocks.  Some people answer the door, and the boys tell the residents their suspicions.  The people at the door deny knowing anything about the phone, until R. dials the phone’s number, and the distinctive dog barking ring tone is heard from INSIDE THE HOUSE, hence confirming the boys’ investigative work. 

The boys tell the people at the door, “look, we just want the phone back, and we want to know who took it.”  First, the residents deny any knowledge of the thief’s identity.  The boys persist, so one of the residents finally tells them...

“I think the name of the n****r who took your phone is...TRAYVON MARTIN”, abruptly slamming the door in the boys’ faces.  The boys, incensed at the disrespectful Trayvon reference and still phoneless, now attempt to break the door of the house open. 

The outcome for both of my student detectives…arrests and court dates for disorderly conduct.  Still feeling somewhat vindicated, though, because M. got his phone back.

No one (including Trayvon) was ultimately charged with the phone’s theft, however.

Entry # 16

“Concealed Carry”

February 4, 2014 2:17 PM


“To:  All Staff
From:  Director of Safety and Security
RE:  Concealed Carry Law 430 ILCS 66/65

“Illinois’ concealed carry law was passed recently and allows individual to apply for licenses to carry a concealed firearm.  However, carrying a concealed weapon is prohibited in school buildings and on school grounds.” 

Entry #17

“Musical Chairs”

January 8, 2014 11:23 AM

Hi, Hon,

Part 1:

They made a change in my schedule, which I found out by looking at a student’s schedule.  It isn’t that big of a deal, but a courtesy communique would have been nice…

Part 2:

They moved my 4/5 period class to 5/6, subsequently disbanding some of the students in the 4/5 class.  Some went to another teacher, and some were dispersed to my 2nd or 11th periods.  I am upset because that 4/5 period class was really close knit and hard-working…it was one of the best Spanish 2 classes I had had in years.

No one bothered to give me any advanced administrative notification—again, I found out when a student showed me a change on his schedule, and then I confirmed on Power Teacher.  My free and lunch periods are now different as well—a heads up would have been appreciated.

Side note:  The Human Resource Department forwarded a newsletter today regarding the topic of effective communication with colleagues…I know where I’d like to forward a copy…

Part 3

I just found out that two of my best students, who are sisters, are leaving to transfer to another district today.

I don’t ever remember a second semester with this many switches.

Part 4

But on a more positive note, I finally found my classroom chair.  Apparently, there is a chop shop for stolen office equipment here at school.  Here's my photographic evidence to turn state’s evidence. 

Jeez, teachers stealing other teachers’ chairs to get parts for their broken ones.  Cold a$$ thugs.

Entry #18

“State of Grace”

September 24, 2013 12:10 PM

Hi, Hon,

“Our bosses requested us to stay a little later today for a faculty meeting.  The state consultants are giving us a report on their visit to our campus…”

Entry #19

“Flame Wars”

September 19, 2013 11:30 AM

“Hi, Hon,

A colleague threw some of us under the bus today. She sent a complaint email to our supervisors over the work we did on curriculum, exam prep, and textbook selections...

…of course, the colleague doing the complaining has only been to ONE planning meeting in two full years.”

Entry #20

“Chaperone-y Baloney”

September 9, 2013 8:53 AM


“The Back to School Jam scheduled for Friday, September 13, 2013, has been rescheduled for Saturday, September 14, 2013 from 12-4 pm.

As per your contractual language, since this activity is being rescheduled, you are, therefore given exemption status as far as having served your chaperone assignment.”

Yeah, I went anyway.  But you knew I would.

Entry #21

“You’re Suspended”

September 9, 2013 7:58 AM

“Hi, Hon,

…just got back from Attendance Office
Supervision…whew…the lines were out the door for tardy passes.  I am trying to re-learn the ID scanner.   

Thankfully, I did not suspend anyone accidentally today…

Ironically, for the next two Thursdays after school, I’ve got professional development workshops on BRAIN BOOSTS.” 

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