On: Phobic-ering

Colleen Rogers

In my random, meandering ruminations today, I thought I would consider ranking my phobias by fear-tensity.   

So, I came up with the following list (with number one being my greatest terror, and number three being the least fear-inspiring)...here goes...
Image result for phobia

1.  Blood draws (not shots, though)
2.  Mice and Rats (or any other scurrying animal with a long tail)
3.  Worms (but not snakes)

I had an honorable mention short list, too, which included  clowns, heights, and open closet doors at night where I sleep.

You are probably laughing hysterically right about now at the nonsensical, laser-specific nature of my list.  You are also probably thinking that I might require intensive residential therapy.  Be that as it may, many of us do have some irrational fears.  

Even though the National Institute of Mental Health reports that only eight percent of us have such phobias, everyone I know mentions something that makes them a little queasy and uncomfortable.  Many of the symptoms people experience with phobias include nausea, trembling, rapid heartbeat, and a preoccupation with the feared object.

Phobias tend to be divided into categories--fears of the natural environment, fears relating to animals, fears of medical treatments, and fears related to a specific situation.  Women are primarily the phobic ones, so it seems.  

I was surprised to discover that virtually any object or situation can be a source of a phobia.  The last time I went to have blood drawn and shared the reason for my extremely sweaty palms, the intake nurse tried to reassure me by revealing that she was claustrophobic.  

The shocker phobia reveal for me, though, was when the phlebotomist explained that she could never stuff her own Thanksgiving turkey because she was truly physically afraid of putting her hand inside the bird. 

I found myself choking a chuckle over the absolute ridiculousness of her hilarious phobia.   

Really, now, who is actually afraid of stuffing their own Thanksgiving turkey?

Then, I thought about a clown drawing my blood in the closet of a skyscraper with a nest of mice and worms on his head.  Hope I can sleep tonight. 

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